The Kampung

A rural area where the people live live as a community, unique with its own cultural and natural resources

Kampung Stay activities have been categorised into

Culture and Lifestyle: experience traditional music, dance, games - congkak, gasing, top spinning or wau/kite flying - or even attending a traditional festival or wedding ceremony.

Economic activities include rubber tapping, fish breeding and agricultural activities like paddy planting/harvesting, cocoa/oil palm harvesting, and fruit plucking
The kampung or village is sustained traditionally by subsistence activities like padi-growing, fishing and other agricultural practices.

Recreation includes sightseeing and visiting nearby attractions, as well as outdoor activities such as jungle-trekking and white water rafting.

Environmental preservation includes eco-friendly activities like tree planting.

Travellers can also explore their natural surroundings and take part in outdoor activities. In some places, they get to learn how to make traditional handicrafts like basket weaving, batik painting and more.

Guests can learn how to cook and make traditional dishes

The kampung environment is generally cool and shady, with lots of greenery.

Paths are unpaved and compounds are kept very clean.

Spaces flow into one another freely with few boundaries or obstructions.

The absence of physical barriers in the kampung allows flexibility in accommodating.

The house compound in the kampung is meticulously well-kept, with the compound well swept and planted with vegetables and fruit trees, especially with coconut and banana and, to a lesser extent, with papaya, pineapple, guave and rambutan trees.
The well-shaded compounds are favourite places for play and social interaction, but are also used as working areas.

Attap- and mat-weaving, drying, rice-pounding and carpentry are some common work activities carried out in the house compound.

Another semi-private space commonly used for work is the open area below the stilted Malaysian house.

Besides being a popular workplace and chatting place, it is also used to store padi, fuel (firewood, coconut fronds, etc.), building materials, implements for planting padi, the kaki lesong (a large pounder operated by leg-power), bicycles and even cars.

There is no clear geometric order in the layout of the kampung.
It has few clear visual landmarks or focal points which may help a person to locate his orientation. And is randomly distributed with other houses, trees, compounds and paths.
Instead, paths link the village, leading from one house to another, winding through the houses and leading to other parts of the village.
The layout is determined by the social relationships and the culture and lifestyle of the villagers.

House sites are traditionally selected by observation and religious rituals.

Houses are spaced far apart for future expansion, tree-planting and privacy.

Adequate privacy is provided by the dark interiors and the distance between the houses in most cases.

Houses are joined by free-flowing paths winding around the houses.

House compounds flow into each other.

Few obstructive physical barriers are used to demarcate territories.. In the kampung, the definition of public and private areas is unclear and overlaps.

Social interaction is maximized by the free-flowing, open public-private areas. Children can play safely anywhere in the house, compounds and in the public areas. The kampung is under a huge canopy of coconut and other trees which keeps the kampung well shaded and allows use of the open compounds even during hot afternoons.

The natural setting of the kampung, the use of local building materials and the lack of physical barriers give the kampung an informal and open atmosphere which is conducive to intimate social relations

Takbir – visiting neighbours on festive occasions &

GotongRoyong - sharing work with others in the community

A wedding is a communal affair with the whole village joining in to prepare for & celebrate the occasion.

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